Likkutei Torah
Website dedicated by Rabbi and Mrs. Roberto David Szerer

Image Credit COLlive.com
Programs Launched
Classes Taught
Total Impressions
Before joining Project Likkutei Torah, the idea of being able to complete the entire opus was a nice idea that did not meet with my reality. Shabbos was a challenge to finish even a single maamar. This project simplifies it to a page a day, that's it! Anyone can work that into their daily schedule.
Yossi F.
NYC Corporate Executive
I am very grateful for Project Likkutei Torah for giving me the ability to keep my resolution to study 10 minutes a day Likkutei Torah/Torah Ohr. I enjoy the different presenters and styles they each bring to the table and the fact that I can listen while on the go. May you go Maychayol El Choyel!
R Yoey Muchnick
Shliach and Musical Performer
I am learning so much more Likkutei Torah & Torah Ohr thanks to this podcast. Finally able to make the Rebbe's request to complete it a reality. Thank you!
Rabbi Avi Goldstein
Shliach at University of Rhode Island
I think it [the weekly Hisbonenus series] is very clear and makes an impact ... this is excellent!
Leah Cohen
Yoga Instructor
I love these Chasidic [hisbonenus] meditations from PLT! I have been looking for a LONG TIME for a meditation like this, based on Torah and Chasidus! It is so effective! kol hakavod.
Chana Yakovlev
Criminal Lawyer
Rabbinic Approbations
Fortunate is the portion and merit for those involved in this Project Likkutei Torah. It should be with tremendous success because it is literally saving souls

Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson
Internationally acclaimed speaker and Dean of TheYeshiva.net
Let us come and strengthen goodness and blessing.... to those that established this wonderful Project Likkutei Torah, to bring daily classes in a way that is relevant to each person on their individual level, available free for the public...

Rabbi Akiva Wagner
Founder and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto